
Any companies, i.e. size from international to sole proprietorship, must be storing up an uncountable paper statement in their office. Those paper statements possibly collect from many years. If you stack up those papers, their combined volume can form a small hill on working desk.
During the past ten years, there have many companies implement Paperless of Green IT which reduced usage and storage of paper printing and also it accelerates the process of Paper Recycling. Inside this implementation, they use scanner as a Computer Hardware and scan application as a Computer Software. And they combine these two related technology to convert paper document to digital file. Scanning function is common feature on the most scanning software but if there has an application that can organize and scan document at the same time. “ScanBills” can do this for you.
ScanBills, a Windows based utility software*, is an application* that proves to be a full-fledged Barcode Forms Scanning & Processing Solution. Its scalable solution provides automatic document capture from paper-based forms and automatic filing for future reference. The capture function accepts all kinds of document via 1D, 2D & Postal Barcode Printed and the automatic filing function is organized those captured images in folder by Barcode prefix. ***The product functions seamlessly combine Filing Design & Management, Data Capturing and Document Arrangement in one user-friendly application. ScanBills can tightly integrate into wide range of Canon Document scanners, making it a flexible, complete and cost-effective tool of your first choice to create your own automatic filing system.
ScanBills is a barcode filing software which is developed by DataCap Computer Solutions Limited. The purposes of using document scanner with ScanBills give users do go easy on organize their documents. In home or business area, users can combine with their document scanner to create a virtual document filing cabinet by use of barcode. The software supports the variety document with difference size and format. It saves their time on document filing and consolidates their document into category. The organization algorithm is based on barcode prefix; therefore users have to create an individual barcode profile for each type of barcode to unify document types.
Barcode Recognition Automation:
Barcode Type – No setting required. (Effectively, users can enable their own known barcode for Barcode Recognition.)
Barcode Orientation – No setting required. (The program recognizes vertical only, horizontal only, or both (vertical and horizontal).)
ScanBills plays a critical role in automatic filing of business document from simple to complex barcode forms viz. Credit Card Application Forms, Bill statements, Market Research Questionnaires, Examination Answer Book, Shop floor QA sheets etc. It also serves the need of an enterprise-wide Document Management Enabler that provides features for document capture; indexing and voluminous backlog conversion
No Form Definition Need
ScanBills is unique in barcode forms that are not required any barcode positioning definition by user. Because of this, users have complete flexibility over how the form does set-up and where the barcodes are located. To operate this program, users simply scan a form and the program displays and stores the scanning image of the form.
Scanning Forms
ScanBills software works with a wide range of Canon Document Scanners to scan and process any barcode forms. After scanning, the software recognizes the area of barcode and retrieves the information of barcode. And then, the software uses retrieved information to store image into category. The built-in exception handling easily locates and allows users to correct or verify any exceptional forms. ScanBills facilitates scanning of both single and multiple / batch of forms. Designed to robustly scan and extract information, it has built-in checks to improve the quality of the captured images. After the image has been scanned and captured, the Image Cleaning feature allows cleaning the image to required specifications
Barcode prefix(es)
ScanBills uses barcode prefix(es) for designing and managing of document arrangement.
Data Extraction
BCR (Barcode Recognition), to decode any barcodes appearing on the documents, the popular barcode standard is supported.
Format include:
1-D barcodes: Code 11, Code 39, Code 39 Extended, Code 93, Code 128, 2of5 Interleaved, Codabar, Patch Code, EAN 8, EAN 13, UPC A, UPC E, Add 2, Add 5
2-D barcodes: PDF417, Data Matrix, QR Code, Micro QR Code
Postal barcodes: PostNet, Planet, RM4SCC, AustraliaPost, IntelligentMail
Barcodes are also used on index sheets for automatic separation
Targeting Business
Banking & Financial Institutions
- Loan applications
- Share transfer processing
- Bank account opening
- Utility applications processing
- Sales tax and other tax forms processing
- Plastic card (Credit, Debit, ATM, etc) application
- Check processing and bill processing
Educational Institutions
- Automation of admission forms
- Admit card production
- Examination forms processing
- Processing of Customer Agreement Forms
- Processing of Policy & Claims Forms
Government Department
- Income & Sales Tax Forms Processing
- Census Forms Processing
- Survey Data Forms Processing
Health Care
- Patient Forms Processing
HR & Recruitment Forms Processing
Market Research & Data Collection Forms Processing
Medical Form Processing
Quality control and Inspection Forms Processing
Backlog Document-Capture services